MANILA, PHILIPPINES – The Forest Foundation Philippines organized a capacity building activity on multilateral processes related to climate change for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
During the activity, the DENR’s Climate Change Focal Persons were trained on multilateral processes related to forests, biodiversity and climate change. Discussions focused on the rationale and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and its impact to the conservation and protection of the country’s forests.
Atty. Analiza Rebuela-Teh, Undersecretary for Climate Change Service and Mining Concerns, remarked that the activity will contribute to the mainstreaming of climate change in the environment and natural resources sector. By enhancing the Focal Persons’ capacities, the Department will be able to actively participate and engage in multilateral processes, such as the UNFCCC.
Elenida Basug, OIC-Director for Climate Change Service, stated that the activity will enable the DENR to effectively mainstream outcomes from international negotiations to national level policies, programs and activities.
Parabukas, a consulting firm on environmental law, served as the facilitator for the activity.