By backing hundreds of projects since 2002, Forest Foundation Philippines is able to contribute to the protection and conservation of the country’s most critical forest landscapes.

Tropical Forest Conservation Agreement 2 (TFCA 2) Impact
We have allocated US$ 32M for the protection and conservation of forests from 2017 to 2027, under TFCA 2. Below are the continuing results of the projects funded by TFCA 2.
In 2021, we engaged an external evaluator to assess the impacts of our projects supported under our Results Framework, 2017-2021. Read more about it here.
Projects funded
(as of October 2021)
Community-based organizations strengthened
(as of October 2021)
Hectares of restored
forest lands
(as of October 2021)
Community-level livelihoods supported
(as of October 2021)
Hectares of improved forest lands
(as of October 2021)
2022 Annual Report
Number of projects supported: 40
Amount approved: US$ 661,988
For Forest Foundation Philippines, 2022 was a year of transition, learning from its own experiences with the conclusion of the Results Framework 2017-2021, and setting its direction for the future. While in the process of learning, it has restarted its on-the-ground forest conservation work, gaining pace as the world recovers from the pandemic.
2017-2021 Impact Evaluation Report
With the conclusion of the first half of TFCA2, Forest Foundation sought the service of a third party consulting firm to evaluate its grantmaking experiences, its relevance and the impact of its projects in achieving its overall goal.
The external impact evaluation found that the projects supported by the Foundation had a high degree of implementation which were consistent with the Results Framework’s target outcomes and sustainable landscape approach.
Moving forward, the Foundation envisions its next medium-term strategy to be centered on partnerships for the protection and sustainable management of forests, while also fostering forest-related climate action.
2021 Annual Report
Number of projects supported: 31
Amount approved: US$ 930,406
At the final year of its 2017-2021 Results Framework, Forest Foundation strived to persevere towards sustained actions to protect, restore, and conserve the forests amid the pandemic. While various restrictions and lockdowns hindered Forest Foundation’s grant implementation activities, it remained steadfast in its duty to protect and conserve forests together with the unwavering commitment of its grantees and partners.
2020 Annual Report
Number of projects supported: 33
Amount approved: US $ 1,157,993
For the penultimate year of the 2017-2021 Results Framework, the Foundation faced several challenges as the pandemic put the world at a standstill. Contrary to reports, nature is not “taking a break.” Forests continued to suffer from fires and poaching, even in the Foundation’s focal landscapes. Despite the challenges, forest conservation work continued, which showed the adaptability and resilience of the Foundation and its partners.
2019 Annual Report
Number of projects supported: 69
Amount approved: US$ 3,803,984
2019 marked the halfway point of the Results Framework. The Foundation continued to support projects that built capacities of organizations and created enabling environments for the sustainable management of forests in the focal landscapes of Sierra Madre, Palawan, Samar and Leyte, and Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental.
2018 Annual Report
Number of projects supported: 57
Amount approved: US$ 2,270,142
Forest Foundation launched several key partnerships and campaigns in 2018, making the year one of its most productive yet. Under the Results Framework launched in 2017, the Foundation’s main goal is the protection and sustainable management of Philippine forests and biodiversity.
2017 Annual Report
Number of projects supported: 56
Amount approved: US$ 5,698,351
In 2017, Forest Foundation Philippines started implementing its Results Framework—a five-year program that serves as the backbone of the Foundation’s grantmaking plans from 2017-2021. Its main goal is the protection and sustainable management of Philippine forests and its biodiversity, which will be accomplished through four main objectives: Grow forests, grow livelihoods, grow partnerships, and grow advocates.
Tropical Forest Conservation Agreement 1 (TFCA 1) Impact
We allocated US$ 8.25M for the protection and conservation of forests from 2002 to 2016, under TFCA 1. Below are the results of the projects funded by TFCA 1.
Projects Funded
1.5 M
Hectares of improved forest lands
Hectares of restored forest lands
Community-level enterprises
Community-conserved areas
2017 Annual Report
Number of projects supported: 56
Amount approved: US$ 5,698,351
In 2017, Forest Foundation Philippines started implementing its Results Framework—a five-year program that serves as the backbone of the Foundation’s grantmaking plans from 2017-2021. Its main goal is the protection and sustainable management of Philippine forests and its biodiversity, which will be accomplished through four main objectives: Grow forests, grow livelihoods, grow partnerships, and grow advocates.
2018 Annual Report
Number of projects supported: 57
Amount approved: US$ 2,270,142
Forest Foundation launched several key partnerships and campaigns in 2018, making the year one of its most productive yet. Under the Results Framework launched in 2017, the Foundation’s main goal is the protection and sustainable management of Philippine forests and biodiversity.
2019 Annual Report
Number of projects supported: 69
Amount approved: US$ 3,803,984
2019 marked the halfway point of the Results Framework. The Foundation continued to support projects that built capacities of organizations and created enabling environments for the sustainable management of forests in the focal landscapes of Sierra Madre, Palawan, Samar and Leyte, and Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental.
2020 Annual Report
Number of projects supported: 33
Amount approved: US $ 1,157,993
For the penultimate year of the 2017-2021 Results Framework, the Foundation faced several challenges as the pandemic put the world at a standstill. Contrary to reports, nature is not “taking a break.” Forests continued to suffer from fires and poaching, even in the Foundation’s focal landscapes. Despite the challenges, forest conservation work continued, which showed the adaptability and resilience of the Foundation and its partners.