Focused Grant Program

This program supports projects that foster the protection, conservation, and sustainable management of forests outside the Foundation’s focal landscapes. The projects proposed under this program should fall within the following types:
- Applied Research Grants for scientific organizations and individuals, with a peer-reviewed published paper as the expected output.
- COVID-19 Response and Recovery Grants support the adaptive management strategies that will mitigate further losses on forest conservation gains and efforts due to the pandemic.
- Miscellaneous Grants, which may include short studies, basic research and documentation, resource mapping and/or valuation, non-timber forest products development, alliance-building and networking, support for policy development and/or resource planning and capacity enhancement. This grant also supports advocacy activities, including the development and implementation of advocacy campaigns on forest protection and conservation.
- Nursery Grants, which supports the establishment and management of nurseries for the conservation of dipterocarps and other native plants, mangroves, and other unique species of flora. Projects of this type can only be supported by small grants.
- Partnership Grants for co-funding. The Foundation and its partner/s may agree on a particular program, where activities aligned with the mandate of the Foundation could be supported and other activities not covered could be shouldered by the other partner/s.
- Piloting Forest Management Strategies in Small Island Ecosystems Grants, which includes conservation research on the remaining forest cover and its associated flora and fauna, and the establishment and management of critical habitats. The expected output for this grant is a documentation of the appropriate forest management strategies for the project sites.
- Scaling-up Mangrove Conservation Grants, which supports multi-year mangrove rehabilitation and protection outside of the focal landscapes. Scaling-up includes assessments, replication of best practices, and expansion of area coverage to enhance mangrove management. Check out our best practices in implementing mangrove conservation projects here.
- Urban Biodiversity, Forest, and Health Grants, which was developed as a response and recovery measure with the current and possible occurrence of another pandemic. Under this grant, support will be provided to promote the good effects of forests on human health and well-being. It supports activities, such as assessment and mapping of zoonotic risks and threats in forested landscapes both at the focal and outside focal landscapes, expanding green spaces in urban areas, and development of forest bathing sites, among others.
Dr. Perry S. Ong Fellowship Program
Our Dr. Perry S. Ong Fellowship Program recognizes and supports individuals who promote, advance, and enhance the protection and conservation of Philippine forests and forest biodiversity through research, community work, advocacy, arts, and teaching.
The fellowship program supports three grant categories:
- Conservation Innovation Champions
- Conservation Research Fellows
- Conservation Arts Fellows
This program recognizes and honors the life work of the late conservationist Doc Perry, who passed away on March 2, 2019. He served as one of the founding Trustees of the Foundation, and played key leadership and governance roles in shaping the Foundation’s commitment to protect and conserve the country’s most critical forests. Doc Perry also served as a Professor and Dean at the College of Science of the University of the Philippines Diliman.
A self-described “field biologist with a serve-the-people mindset of malasakit and pagkukusa,” Doc Perry was an expert on biodiversity conservation, Philippine wildlife, evolutionary ecology, and urban biodiversity. His work was vital in the conservation of the critically endangered Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) and the near threatened Philippine Tarsier (Carlito syrichta), and in the implementation of the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priority-setting Program, which named over 200 sites for integrated priority conservation.
The Fellowship Program supports like-minded Filipinos who pursue the same line of scientific inquiry and the advocacies of Doc Perry.
In 2021, the following individuals have been awarded fellowships to pursue their projects:
- Conservation Innovation Champion: Ralph Emerson Molino, Going BEEyond the Honeycomb: LC-MS-Guided Metabolite Fingerprinting, Quality Monitoring, and Functionalization of Philippine Forest Honey and Propolis Products Project.
- Conservation Research Fellow: Russel Evan Venturina, Hidden Frogs, Lizards, and Snakes: Unraveling Cryptic Diversities in Philippine Herpetofauna Project.
- Conservation Arts Fellow: Gian Carlo de Jesus, Pag-akyat sa Bundok Makiling: The Role of Forests in Earth and Humanity’s Healing Project.
Get the Dr. Perry S. Ong Fellowship Program information kit here.
How To Apply For a Grant?
Visit our Apply for a Grant page for more information, or go straight to our grant portal to start your application.
For further information and inquiries, email us at