MANILA, PHILIPPINES – Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation (PTFCF) Executive Director Atty. Jose Andres Canivel and Stichting Tropenbos International (TBI) Director Dr. Rene Boot signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on March 7, 2017 to collaborate for the promotion of sustainable landscapes in the Philippines.
The MOU committed the two organizations to share knowledge and expertise on sustainable landscapes. During the MOU signing, PTFCF and TBI jointly highlighted the initiatives that they will be collaborating on:
- Development of a landscape governance course for CSOs (civil society organizations) in the Philippines
- Organization of a National Environmental Forum in the PhilippinesThe activities, proposed by TBI as part of the Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) programme, seek to increase the knowledge of CSOs on the theory, practice and tools of landscape governance. Dubbed as “landscape leaders,” CSOs play a critical role in the initiation and promotion of sustainable landscapes. Ultimately, through this agreement, PTFCF and TBI hope to strengthen the abilities of CSOs in the development of policies and programs that can enable the inclusive and sustainable governance of landscapes.*****************About PTFCF:Established under two bilateral agreements between the governments of the United States of the America and Republic of the Philippines through the US Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA), the Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation (PTFCF) is a non-profit organization that provides grants to organizations that empower the people to protect the forests.About TBI:Tropenbos International is an international non-governmental non-profit organization based in the Netherlands. It aims to achieve the sustainable management of tropical forest lands for the benefit of people, conservation and sustainable development.