During the second quarterly meeting of 2023, the Board of Trustees (BOT) of Forest Foundation Philippines approved grant proposals totaling more than PHP 34 million. These grant proposals aim to protect, conserve, and sustainably manage the most critical forest landscapes in the country.
The approved grant proposals are as follows:
1. Institute for the Development of Educational and Ecological Alternatives – Strengthening Community Position and Stakeholder Support in VAMR Conservation – Phase 2
2. Philippine Misereor Partnership – Management of Critical Water Sources on Homonhon Island
3. Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Foundation – Actions to Update the Philippines Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2034
4. Philippine Watershed Management Coalition – Watershed Governance Assessment of Angat Watershed and Forest Reserve, Upper Pulangi River Watershed, and Ranao Agus River Basin (Partnership Program between Forest Foundation Philippines and the National Power Corporation)
In addition, the BOT affirmed the proposals previously approved by its Executive Committee during the meeting:
1. University of the Philippines Los Baños Foundation – Enhancing Community Resilience of Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes with Agroforestry in Southeast Asia (RISE-SEA) and Collaborative Forest Landscape Governance Towards a Resilient and Sustainable Future (COLLABORATE for FORESCAPE) (EXPLORE Partnership Program between Forest Foundation Philippines and RECOFTC)
2. Habi Education Lab – Increasing and Empowering Landscape Advocates: Development and Production of SILG Learning Products
On March 21, 2023, during the International Day of the Forest, Forest Foundation launched its Results Framework 2023-2027. Building on the Foundation’s grantmaking experience, the Framework follows the sustainable landscape approach, emphasizing collective and transformative actions, which public, private, and civil society stakeholders can emulate to protect and conserve Philippine forests, while addressing the climate crisis. The Foundation works with grantees and partners to protect and sustainably manage the forests for water, land, and biodiversity, while also fostering forest-related climate action. The focus is on the four focal landscapes: the Sierra Madre, Palawan, Samar and Leyte, and Mindanao. Through this Framework, the Foundation remains committed to reinforcing the relationship between people and forests, and making this relationship sustainable for future generations.
Forest Foundation, established in 2002 under the Tropical Forest Conservation Agreements signed by the governments of the Philippines and United States of America, is a non-profit organization that provides grants and technical assistance to organizations that empower the people to protect and conserve the forests.