Forest Foundation Philippines organized the 4th Partners’ Meeting for Samar and Leyte. With the theme, “Growing Futures: Sustainable Landscapes, Empowered Communities,” the last partners’ meeting for the Foundation’s grant program from 2017-2021 served as a platform for its grantees and partners to share their lessons learned, best practices, and key strategies in implementing forest conservation projects in the landscape. Aside from these, livelihood products and learning opportunities were also shared during the meeting.
It was attended by the Foundation’s grantees: Bayan Academy for Social Entrepreneurship and Human Resource Development;; Environmental Legal Assistance Center; Ms. Fretzeljane Olor; Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities; International Institute of Rural Reconstruction; Ms. Jhaydee Ann Pascual; Dr. Juan Pulhin; National Museum of the Philippines; Palamigan Co.; Philippine Eagle Foundation; Ms. Reana Jean Cuevas; Ms. Roanne Romeroso; Sentro Ha Pagpapauswang ha Panginabuhi; Teach for the Philippines; Visayas State University – Alang-Alang; University of the Philippines Los Baños Foundation; Western Visayas Association of Museums; Women Enablers Advocates & Volunteers for Empowering & Responsive Solutions; and Vigan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries.
Government agencies, local government units, and other stakeholders were also consulted during the partners’ and landscape meetings to chart potential pathways beyond the implementation of Foundation’s 5-year Results Framework. Together, they discussed current challenges in forest protection and conservation, and mapped out potential areas for collaborative action. The consultation session was organized by the Foundation, with the support of its partners: Caritas Borongan and International Institute of Rural Reconstruction.
Representatives from the following agencies and organizations shared their plans and programs, and recommendations for the Foundation’s next 5-year grant program: ABS-CBN Foundation; Active Genuine Youth Leaders Association; Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources – Region 8; City Environment and Natural Resources Office for Palo; Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Biodiversity Management Bureau; Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Region 8; Department of Tourism (DOT) – Region 8; Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) – Region 8; Eastern Samar State University; Energy Development Corporation; Local Government Unit representatives from Basey, Borongan, Leyte; National Economic Development Authority – Region 8; Philippine Eagle Foundation; Protected Area Management Board of the Samar Island Natural Park; Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Offices for Eastern Samar, Northern Samar, and Leyte; USAID Strengthening Urban Resilience for Growth with Equity; United Nations Development Programme Small Grants Programme 7; University of Eastern Philippines; and Visayas State University.
Since 2017, the Foundation has been implementing its Results Framework in the forested landscape of Samar and Leyte. Its overall, long-term goal is the protection and sustainable management of Philippine forests and its biodiversity.
Forest Foundation Philippines, established in 2002 under Tropical Forest Conservation Agreement signed by the governments of the United States of America and the Philippines, is a non-profit organization that provides grants to organizations that empower the people to protect and conserve the forests.