2017 Annual Report
In 2017, Forest Foundation Philippines started implementing its Results Framework, 2017-2021, a five-year program that serves as the backbone of the Foundation’s grantmaking plans. The framework’s main goal is the protection and sustainable management of Philippine forests and its biodiversity, which will be accomplished through four main objectives: grow forests, grow livelihoods, grow partnerships, and grow advocates. This is being implemented in the Foundation’s focal landscapes: Sierra Madre, Palawan, Samar and Leyte, and Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental.
The Foundation conducted several project development and proposal generating activities since launching its Results Framework. The core strategies for these involved:
- Conducting stakeholders’ consultation workshops in the focal landscapes to generate strategies for sustainable forest management
- Publishing Request for Proposals (RFPs) based on the consultations
- Collaborating with stakeholders at the focal landscapes to generate, develop, and enhance project proposals

Grant Program: Project Highlights
Protecting Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park Biodiversity and Existing Natural Forest Cover through LAWIN and Incentive-based Livelihood Project
The Foundation awarded a grant to the Kitangland Guard Volunteers Association Inc. to implement forest protection, conservation, and agroforestry activities within the Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park in Bukidnon.
Sustainable Livelihoods Strategy
The Foundation launched its sustainable livelihoods strategy in support of the Results Framework.
Forest Fest PH
In July 2017, the Foundation held a one-day event for environmental advocates and social entrepreneurs to showcase innovative solutions in forest protection and management.
Sustainable and Inclusive Landscape Governance Program
The Foundation signed a memorandum of understanding with Tropenbos International to promote sustainable landscapes in the Philippines. Together, we will strengthen the capacities of civil society in the development of policies and programs that enable the inclusive and sustainable governance of the landscapes.
The Foundation rolled out its knowledge management and communications strategies in support of the Results Framework.
Knowledge Management Strategy
This focuses on delivering relevant knowledge products on forest conservation to stakeholders, and providing platforms that encourage discussions on forestry sector challenges.
Communications Strategy
To sustain efforts in forest protection and enhancement, the Foundation aims to build a strong network of advocates, especially among the millennials who are a significant force in addressing the country’s development concerns.
Administration of the Fund
Following the TFCA 2 agreements, the Foundation regularly organizes Board of Trustees meetings to discuss institutional programs and evaluate proposals. The BOT met three times in 2017.
In Numbers
- Proposals received grew by 2.5 times from the year before, from 85 to 213.
- Approved funding for grants jumped by 770%, from US$ 740,886 in 2016 to US$ 5,698,351 in 2017.
- Disbursed funding increased by 407% from US$ 179,026 in 2016 to US$ 728,770.
- By the end of the year, the fund balance stood at US$ 20,344,864.
No. of proposals received
No. of proposals approved
US$ 5,698,351
Total approved funding for grants
US$ 728,770
Total disbursed funding for grants
US$ 1,493,471
Total counterpart match
Total matching funds as % of approved grants
US$ 353,810
Amount spent on indirect costs
US$ 634,326
Interest & capital gained on
US$ 20,344,864
Fund balance at the end of the year