January 2, 2025

Forest Foundation Philippines and the Government of Canada to fund Site-Based Grants in Negros Occidental for Nature-based Solutions

Manila, Philippines — Forest Foundation Philippines, through its Canada-funded Philippines-Canada Partnership on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Adaptation (PCP4NbS) program, officially opened its Request for Proposals (RFP) for site-based grants in Negros Occidental on November 6, 2024, targeting projects that harness the power of nature to mitigate climate impacts.

The event has launched its first RFP for its site-based grants, specifically in Negros Occidental, highlighting the call for community-based and gender-responsive NbS proposals to help reduce vulnerability and increase resilience to climate change impacts. The program could fund two to three (2-3) projects in target sites within the province (Php 2 million to Php 6 million for each project), with an implementation period of up to two and a half (2.5) years. Eligible grant recipients include Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), People’s Organizations (POs), and other community-based organizations active in the Philippines.

“Let’s achieve sustainable development while safeguarding natural heritage; Let’s work together where people thrive in harmony,” said Atty. Julie Bedrio, the Provincial Environment Management Officer (PEMO), as he/she welcomed the program in Negros Occidental in behalf of the provincial governor, Honourable Eugenio Jose V. Lacson. 

Aligned with strengthening local partnerships, the Foundation signed two Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with the Provincial Government of Negros Occidental and the Protected Area Management Office (PAMO) towards the implementation of PCP4NbS and other future projects in the province.

Forest Foundation Philippines signed two Memoranda of Understanding (MoU): with the Province of Negros Occidental, and the Protected Area Management Office of the Northern Negros Natural Park (NNNP) to strengthen its partnerships for nature-based solutions and the conservation of forests and biodiversity in the Province. (From L-R: Catherine Balasa, Technical Services Division Chief of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (DENR-PENRO) of Negros Occidental; Engr. Joan Nathaniel Gerangaya, Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer of Negros Occidental and Protected Area Superintendent of the NNNP; Atty. Jose Andres Canivel, Executive Director of Forest Foundation Philippines; Ms. Lisa Paguntalan, Executive Director of the Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, Inc.; and Honourable David Hartman, Ambassador of Canada to the Philippines.)

To ensure a gender-responsive NbS implementation, the program conducted Vulnerability Risk Assessment (VRA) and Gender-Based Analysis-Plus (GBA-Plus) in the target sites. Based on these assessments, PCP4NbS identified its target sites within the Malogo and Sicaba River Watersheds, including specific barangays in Cadiz City, Victorias City, Enrique B. Magalona, Talisay City, Silay City, Manapla, and Don Salvador Benedicto. 

Proposed projects should respond to the results of these baseline assessments, addressing both hazards and risks identified in the target sites. Priority will be given to  solutions that provide equal opportunities to women and men in accessing and managing natural resources, and strengthen women’s capacities and leadership.

NbS are cost-effective actions that protect, regenerate, and enhance ecosystems while responding to the needs of the community and safeguarding biodiversity. The four-year program aims to utilize these tailor-fitted solutions with evidence-based decision making, co-created knowledge platforms and communities of practice, co-created policy recommendations, and strong collaboration with various stakeholders in support of the biodiversity-climate-gender nexus. Implementation will be supported by a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure that resources will be maximized towards achieving the program’s goal.  

“Canada is making significant investments to support the Philippines in its environment and climate action commitments. Through this project, we ultimately want to see nature-based solutions designed, and implemented, by local communities for local communities,” emphasized David Hartman, Ambassador of Canada to the Philippines.

The Government of Canada has committed PhP 332 million (CA$8 million) for program implementation. This fund will be managed by Forest Foundation Philippines, which will support local organizations in implementing holistic, community-based, and gender-responsive initiatives based on NbS principles. 

Civil society organizations (CSOs), peoples organizations and non-government organizations (NGOs) in Negros Occidental come together for a ceremonial activity at the Request for Proposals Launch for the Philippines-Canada Partnership on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Adaptation, allowing them to envision Malogo and Sicaba River Watersheds supported by communities that adopt gender-responsive Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for climate adaptation. 

The program also identifies economic opportunities and livelihoods in areas such as agroforestry, watershed management, and eco-tourism, showcasing the potential for sustainable development while conserving natural resources. 

“We hope you will enjoy as we start this journey towards project development, towards understanding what you need, towards developing common solutions, and hopefully, achieving our joint, and common goals,” said Atty. Jose Andres Canivel, Executive Director of Forest Foundation Philippines, as he encouraged the organizations to take part in the program.

Interested organizations can visit Forest Foundation’s website or social media channels for more information about the program and its grants in Negros Occidental.

